Sunday, March 4, 2012

Cinnamon Challenge (Saba Anees)

• When did this begin to become popular/famous on the Internet and why? Provide a context and offer an analysis of why you think this became so popular (if no obvious reason presents itself).

The cinnamon challenge viral video set became popular in 2011 when a YouTube user uploaded a video of herself taking on the challenge. That video gained 3.9 million views in its first few weeks and was imitated by a broad range of YouTube users in the next few months. 

• The details/description of the "meme," person, event, etc.
The challenge involves a person swallowing a tablespoon full of cinnamon powder or keeping it in their mouth for a certain amount of time. Usually, the cinnamon is overwhelming to keep for even a few seconds and hilarity ensues. 
• How popular did it become and over what time span? (include "Google Insights" interest). 
Google Insights link:
According to Insights, the viral video spiked in popularity in January 2012 when it was introduced on a radio show. 
• Include other memes that may have emerged from this or have been influenced by this. 
From YouTube/Google searches, I have found that spin-offs such as Chili Powder Challenge. Smart. 
• Include videos or images when relevant to illustrate your description - please try to avoid posting images or video that may be offensive. 

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