Sunday, March 4, 2012

PLANKING! - Haleh Nourani

  • There is debate as to who actually invented the activity and when, speculation dating back to 1994. It is obvious, however, when it became an Internet phenomenon. It grew quickest as “planking” in Australia and New Zealand through David Williams and Paul Carran- and then worldwide. The very similar “Lying Down Game” also became popular throughout the United Kingdom.
  • To plank is to lay face down on any surface, keeping your body completely flat and arms by your side. The more random the location of the plank, the more entertaining it serves to be.  
  • Although planking began getting attention in 2010, it became most popular worldwide throughout 2011. 
  • Other memes that have emerged from planking include playing dead, owling, teapotting, horsemanning, batmaning, tebowing, gronking, and plumbking. They don't all look similar to planking, but they involve people getting in weird poses in random locations. 

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