Friday, March 2, 2012

Imma Let You Finish - Rubina Jaffer

Posted by Rubina Jaffer

  • This became popular on the web in September 2009 when Kanye West interrupted Taylor Swift's acceptance speech at the MTV Video Music Awards. I think it became an internet sensation because interrupting someone's acceptance speech seemed so ridiculous, but it actually happen. Not only did he take the microphone away from Taylor Swift who won best Female Music Video, he also told everyone who actually deserved to win. Watch what happened.
  • It became popular overnight, then the popularity died down by the end of September, and it went to barely any searches per month. Kanye's outburst inspired many new blogs that demonstrate his insult in many different ways. Check them out herehere, and here.
  • Google Insights shows the Interest over Time for "Imma Let You Finish".
  • Of course, someone had to capitalize off of Kanye. They sold T-Shirts.
  • Facebook page was created, and now has over 36,000 fans.
  • Urban Dictionary sums it up.
  • Encyclopedia Britannica's blog called it "The Best Video of All Time".
  • Some of my favorite memes that emerged from this event are:

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