Saturday, March 3, 2012

"Gingers do have souls!"- Tracey Amaya

“Gingers do have souls!” is a video created and posted on YouTube by CopperCab. It is a response to the negative connotations inspired by the South Park episode “Ginger Kids.” In the episode, Cartman ignites fear towards ginger kids, children with red hair and freckles, and drove the idea that “gingers have no souls.” CopperCab expressed his anger towards South Park and talked about the discrimination he is experiencing for being a red haired freckled kid. “Gingers do have souls!” video became popular in 2010 and had 3.1 million views and 600 responses in the first month. As of today, it has received 26,674,554 views on Youtube. It has gained popularity because of its outlandish presentation and his frustration towards the demeaning word and ideology behind gingers. He yells at the camera an angrily states, “Gingers have souls!” he further goes on to yell “It pisses me off…I’m read haired and proud of it!”

Google Insight

Since then other memes have been created:

Remixes and parodies have also been created

Even South Park participated in the recreation of “Gingers do have souls!”

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